Hi there. My name is Dylan Dickey.

I was a self-starter in digital media going all the way back to middle school. This is the first thing I ever designed on a computer. I thought I was pretty great.

From there, I kept learning and experimenting. I got really into animation and taught myself how to use After Effects and Cinema 4D, which landed me an internship at a motion design agency.

I took a detour in Molecular Biology in college because I loved science. I did that for a bit, all the while spending my free time learning Illustrator, Photoshop, code, and generally sharpening my design skills. I ended up in advertising.

When touring ad agencies, I learned about the delightful role of UX Designer. It pulled together so many things that I loved. Scientific thinking, design, creativity, and human psychology.

So I busted my ass to put a UX portfolio together based on what I could learn from the Internet. It wasn't great, but it was enough to land me my first UX job.

I was lucky to break into the industry creating experiences for some big names in the finance space at Markit Digital. I worked alongside some incredibly talented peopled and learned a ton about presenting complex information in useful and actionable ways.

I moved on to working at NetApp, where I currently create a hybrid cloud management app that lowers the knowledge threshold needed to manage IT infrastructure.

A little about me: I love cooking, photography, my dogs, building drones, gardening, my wife Amanda, and my kids. Not necessarily in that order.

So now you know me. Not enough?